Candlelight Service with Holy Communion begins at 5:00pm.  All are welcome.

The congregation of Holy Cross Lutheran is very excited to announce the call of Reverend Dr. Stacey Brady to be our Pastor.  Stacey brings fresh and vibrant leadership to our worship services and outreach into the community.  Please come and share the excitement.



Traditional worship services are held each Sunday at 9:00a.m.  All persons are invited to worship with us.



Holy Communion is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.  All Christians who believe in the very presence of Christ’s body and blood are invited to participate in the sacrament of Holy Communion.


Pastor Stacey L. Brady serves Holy Cross Lutheran Church with joy in her spirit and a hopefulness that the love of Jesus will transform lives both inside and outside the sanctuary.  She was ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 1998 and has served large congregations, small congregations, and specialized ministries.  Her passions in ministry include: ministry to the marginalized, interpreting scripture, and walking alongside God’s people (and ALL people are God’s people!).

Pastor Stacey is married to the love of her life, Michael, and together they have two grown children, a beautiful daughter-in-law and grandson.  They enjoy exploring North Carolina, finding fun places to eat adventurous food, and gardening together.

If you would like to reach Pastor Stacey please email her at